Ministry charts path for Investment Reform Map

Ministry charts path for Investment Reform Map

The Investment Reform Map (IRM) is an important mechanism for the development of investment policies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and can assist countries that want to develop and attract investment. Speaking last week at the opening ceremony of a...
PM issues order No.03/PM to address investment

PM issues order No.03/PM to address investment

Prime Minister of Lao PDR issues order No.,03/PM, dated 21/01/2020 on the Improvement of Services Related to the Issuance of Investment and Business Licenses to Ministers, head of ministry-equivalent authorities, Vientiane Capital governor and provincial governors. PM...
Japanese trade group promotes investment in Lao SEZs

Japanese trade group promotes investment in Lao SEZs

VIENTIANE (Vientiane Times/ANN) – The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Vientiane will work with the developers of four special economic zones (SEZs) to encourage more investment by Japanese companies, to boost trade and economic ties between Laos and Japan. A...