
General Profile
Location Southerneastmost province of Laos PDR, in the center of the  Cambodia-Lao-Vietnam (CLV) development triangel area; International borders: Vietnam (58 km) and Cambodia (224 km); National borders: Champasak (180 km) and Sekong (137 km) Provinces.
Total Area 10,320 square meters
Districts (5)  Samakkixay, Saysetha, Sanamxay, Sanxay and Phouvong
Capital Samakkixay, also called ‘Attapeu town’
Transportation Route 13 (south) Vientiane-Pakse-Paksong-Attapeu (985 km); Pakse airport-Paksong­-Attapeu (210 km)
Demographic Profile (2013)
Population 135,000
Ethnical 15 major tribes: Lao, Alak, Katang, Kaleum, Katou, Suay, Oy, Taoy, Sadang, Nge, Lavea, Lavenh, Cheuang, Tariang and Nyaheung
Economic Profile (2013)
GDP 1,720 billion Kip
GDP per capita 1,500 USD
GDP growth 16%
GDP composition by sector Industry (45%), Service (28%), Agriculture (27%)
Export 24 million USD (2011-13)
Import 39.5 million USD (2011-13)
Major industry Electricity generation, agriculture, wood-based and other light industries.
Major exports Timber and forest products, Hydropower energy
Major imports Project equipment, varieties of plant seeds, construction material and consumer goods
Public investment 137.932,70 million USD / 142 projects (2011-13)
Domestic private and Foreign Investment 1,606,629,298 USD/ 327 projects (2011-13)
Top three investment countries Vietnam, Thailand and South Korea
Top sectors attracting highest FDI inflows Hydropower, mining and industrial tree plantation.
More Information: Department for Planning and Investment