Investment Promotion Department

About IPD

The Investment Promotion Department (IPD), operating under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), formerly known as the Department for Promotion and Management of Domestic and Foreign Investment (DDFI) from 2004-2007, administers the foreign investment system and reviews investment applications in accordance to the Investment Promotion Law (Amendment 2016). The IPD responsible as well as the Central Investment One-Stop Service Office for screening project, coordinate, summary, report and and implement activities to attract, promote, protect and manage private sector and Public Private Partnership (PPP) in accordance with the Law on Investment Promotion to harness the country’s potential for socio-economic development.

The IPD is the first stop for providing information on the investment process in Laos and IPD’s primary functions include: promoting Laos as an investment destination, offering investment incentives, screening investment proposals, collecting investment data and monitoring investment practices. The IPD has established a One Stop Service Office “OSSO” to facilitate foreign investors throughout the process of applying for investment licenses. OSSO also offers aftercare services to existing investors and OSSO makes information readily available and provides easy access to the IPD and investment in Laos.